Unganisha Cultures
Uniting Culture
Drums, Films and Choma

Drums, Films and Choma

An unforgettable fusion of rhythm, cinema, and mouthwatering Nyama Choma. Attendees experience the heartbeat of drums, Kenyan film screenings, and delectable barbecue in one captivating event.

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Unganisha Festival

Unganisha Festival

We brought people together in a vibrant celebration of diversity. It was a unifying experience that celebrated cultural exchange, artistic expression, and a shared vision for a harmonious future.

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Unganisha Resilience Concert

Unganisha Resilience Concert

The Unganisha Resilience Concert was an extraordinary event that marked the official launch of "Red Brown Gold from East Africa."

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Stay Tuned
Sneak Peek into the Future

Stay Tuned


Drum Classes

Art Classes

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