Unganisha Cultures
Uniting Culture

As an ongoing endeavor, ‘Crime To Crops’ represents our commitment to innovative and sustainable solutions that address crucial environmental and agricultural challenges in East Africa.

The impact we anticipate is profound. Hydroponics will not only alleviate food insecurity in dry regions but also combat sandalwood trafficking, promote eco-friendly farming practices, and increase crop yields.

Crime To Crops

This innovative project, in close collaboration with GI-TOC, revolves around promoting food sustainability in places like Samburu County, Kenya, where drought has been a pressing issue.

Our Initiative is focused on revolutionizing crop cultivation through the innovative technique of Hydroponics.

Through hydroponics, we are creating a system that maximizes crop yields in limited space while conserving precious water resources. This cutting-edge approach promises tenfold higher crop yields compared to conventional farming, making it a sustainable solution to address food security issues. Furthermore, our hydroponic gardens require minimal maintenance, as they eliminate the need for labor-intensive tasks like weeding.

Our strategy involves workshops, greenhouse construction, establishing a research center, and diligent monitoring to ensure the success of hydroponic farming. It's a comprehensive approach aimed at making a lasting difference.

Our beneficiaries are diverse, including the local community, government authorities, NGOs, and researchers—all coming together to transform lives, protect the environment, and preserve culture.

The impact we anticipate is profound. Hydroponics will not only alleviate food insecurity in dry regions but also combat sandalwood trafficking, promote eco-friendly farming practices, and increase crop yields.

People in Samburu County are facing hunger

The situation is critical. People are dying of hunger and there is no water.

Here are our targets:

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Empowered Communities