Unganisha Cultures
Uniting Culture


The “End Sandalwood Trafficking Policy Brief” is a concise and informative document prepared by Unganisha Cultures as part of our commitment to combat the illicit trade of sandalwood in East Africa. 

End Sandalwood Trafficking

Watch what serves as a trailer for our impactful documentary, shedding light on the issue of sandalwood trafficking in East Africa and the cultural significance of the “Red Brown Gold.

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Red Brown Gold of  East Africa

Red Brown Gold of East Africa

Sandalwood, valued for its cultural significance, is an evergreen shrub found in Africa, Asia, and parts of Europe. It’s associated with India and its name derives from ancient Indo-European languages. This plant, Osyris lanceolata, is semi-parasitic, growing on the roots of other plants while producing its own chlorophyll.


Sandalwood exhibits significant variation in bark texture, color, and leaf shape. It is a key resource for oil extraction, with a history of over 5,000 years in India, serving various religious practices, especially in Hinduism and Buddhism. Ancient Egyptians also used it for medicinal and religious purposes.

The heartwood of sandalwood is prized for its caustic, bitter, and oily characteristics, making it ideal for intricate carvings. However, other parts of the plant lack its distinctive scent.

High demand for sandalwood, particularly in eastern African countries, has led to illegal smuggling of the wood in the region.


Sandalwood Documentary

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